Forest Discovery Trail Education Program-OSU Research Forest

The OSU Research Forests serve as a living laboratory and outdoor classroom for students, researchers and managers to learn about forest ecosystems and management.  The Forest Discovery Trail program invites students to explore the Forest Discovery Trail and take a closer look at the plants and animals that live in this forest ecosystem. Students will also discover how this forest has transitioned from an Oak Savanna to a young Douglas fir dominated forest over the last 200 years.  Materials available both online and onsite are designed to help teachers easily explore the Forest Discovery Trail with their students. Teachers can choose the materials that best need the needs and learning objectives of their classroom.

Grade:k-23-56-89-12Resource type:Field programs


9755 SW Barnes Rd., Suite 210   
Portland, OR 97225   
Phone: 971-673-2944   
Fax: 971-673-2946

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